Information Communication Technology

The engineering design studio was founded in 1997 by Dr. Arrigo Palumbo, PhD and works in the field of modern IT technologies, both in the electronic and in the IT field.

Over the years, numerous scientific research projects have been developed in the field of Biomedical Electronics that have found application in both industrial and governmental contexts.

The thematic areas of expertise concern the following sectors:

  • Computer Science and Forensic Electronics
  • Cyber Security
  • Biomedical Electronics
  • Industrial plant design
  • Electronic sensors and digital signal processing
Contact us
Elettronica biomedica Ing Arrigo Palumbo

Scientific research (Biomedical Electronics)

The scientific research activity is oriented towards Electronic Bioengineering systems in the following sectors:

  • Custom electronic circuits for BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces) applications
  • Wireless sensors in ECG (Electrocardiography), EMG (Electromyography) and EEG (Electrocardiography)
  • Electronics devices for Telemedicine applications
  • Electronics devices for Flow Cytometry applications
  • • Data Acquisition systems aimed to DNA’s hybridization phenomena analysis
Cyber Security Ing Arrigo Palumbo

Cyber Security ed Forensic

The forensics consulting activity in the Cyber Security sector is focused on data analysis in the following sectors:

  • Forensics techniques for data analysis (audio, video, photos, files, chats, e-mails, Apps, etc.) on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.)
  • Forensics hard disks cloning procedures, also for solid state memory (SSD), optical media and magnetic memories
  • Video signals processing and analysis
  • Audio signals processing and analysis
  • Analysis of computer data acquired from cloud enviroment, websites, social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
  • Video surveillance data analysis (DVR, digital video recording)
  • Mobile radio cells analysis
Elettronica biomedica Ing Arrigo Palumbo

Industrial Electronics

Professional team develops custom electronics circuits based on programmable embedded systems, such as DSP, Blackfin, FPGA, PLC and μ-Controllers.

Digital Data acquisition board (DAQ) are developed for remote systems monitoring and control, such as:

  • Concrete and masonry structures
  • Landslides monitoring
  • Automatic fire detection system
  • Industrial automation systems
  • Power supply system control
Elettronica biomedica Ing Arrigo Palumbo

Scientific papers

  • Digital signal Processing
  • Mathematical analysis techniques of signals in the EEG, ECG and EMG fields
  • Pattern Matching algorithms based on neural networks
  • Composite materials analysis by means Bragg grating sensor fiber

The Technical Office of Dr. Arrigo Palumbo PhD is located in

via Felice Fiore 5 / A – 87100 Cosenza


Telephone: +39 0984.33280

Mobile: +39 338.6555554
